Make the most of your energy dip


We don’t always feel 100% on top of our game and that’s OK. If you’re having an off day don’t beat yourself up about it (this can lead to a horrible spiral of negative thoughts, but that discussion is for a different day..). Instead, ask yourself what does your body need right now? Maybe slogging through your usual routine is going to make you feel worse because you’re not up to it. Could you substitute your usual workout for something a little different, so you don’t burn out?

Maybe instead of that HIIT workout today you go for a walk in a park, or if you can’t face your usual yoga class you could try some gentle stretches and meditation. Or maybe you could just rest and that’s OK too. Perhaps you could use the time to cook some healthy food to get some good nourishment into your system so you will feel energised to pick back up when you’re ready. 

Ultimately the take away here is to not think of a dip in performance or energy as a negative thing, but instead, use it as a treat for your body and mind <3 

Once you’re ready to get back into the swing of things, drop me a line to discuss how I can help.


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